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ADR (Antipodean Dispute Resolution) with special references to construction

Chair: Anthony Lavers
Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

Ethics 'the latest developments

Chair: Neill Stansbury
Venue: Chilworth Manor Hotel, Southampton, SO16

The Construction Act Review - some thoughts on what could be done

Chair: Nicholas Gould
Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

Does a sub-contractor have any rights under the main contract?

Chair: John Lyden
Venue: Rochestown Park Hotel, Rochestown Road, Douglas, Cork

Project Information & Exchange (PIX) Protocol Guide and Tool Kit: The Impact on Communication Protocols for Construction

Chair: Jocelyn Taylor
Venue: Renaissance Hotel, South Normanton, Derbyshire

CONSTRUCTION LAW SEMINAR: Introduction to the Basics 2004

Venue: King's College London, Edmond J Safra Lecture Theatre, King's Building, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

The tribunal in the driving seat - inquisitorial procedures in adjudication and arbitration

Chair: Jonathan Hosie
Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

Annual Conference 2004: Key Construction Risks and Dispute Resolution - an international perspective

Venue: King's College London, Edmond J Safra Lecture Theatre, King's Building, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

What's wrong with arbitration? - lessons learnt from adjudication and the new 100-day procedure

Chair: Chris Dancaster
Venue: King's College London, Edmond J Safra Lecture Theatre, King's Building, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Insights from beyond Construction 'Collaboration 'the Honda experience

Venue: Said Business School, Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HP

Public duties and private remedies 'floods or floodgates? Marcic v Thames Water Utilities Ltd and other cases

Venue: Room 2, Faculty of Law, University of Birmingham

Professional liability and construction professionals

Chair: Andrew MacCuish
Venue: Brunswick Lecture Theatre, Leeds Metropolitan University

Putting the Protocol into Practice - the PFE Change Management Supplements. Is it what the industry wants?

Chair: Professor Phillip Capper
Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

An update on arbitration cases

Chair: Barbara Colledge
Venue: Brunswick Lecture Theatre, Leeds Metropolitan University

Partnering Parallels: Background and Benefits

Venue: DLA, Fountain Precinct, Balm Green, Sheffield

AGM & Annual Dinner

Venue: Middle Temple Hall, Middle Temple Lane, London EC4Y

Novation after Blyth and Blyth

Chair: Simon Goss
Venue: The Brunel Room, The Hawthorns, Bristol BS8

Presentation of the SCL Hudson prize winning paper

Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

Project Information eXchange (PIX): Protocol Guide & Toolkit: The impact of communication protocols for construction

Chair: David Savage
Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

Behind the Scenes' site visit to King's Cross Re-development Project

Innovation and Change in Construction Law

Chair: His Honour Judge Humphrey Lloyd QC
Venue: Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield (Junction 39, M1)

HGCRA and the Water, Process and Energy Industries

Chair: Peter Fenn
Venue: Pariser Building, UMIST, Manchester

Procurement Best Value

Chair: Richard Bayfield
Venue: National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Pl, Westminster, London SW1A 2HE

A Judge on Judging Techniques

Chair: Martin Green
Venue: Brunswick Lecture Theatre, Leeds Metropolitan University

Lunch at the Brewery

Venue: The Brewery, Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SD