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New Team in The Republic of Ireland

At the “Dublin Lunch” held last Friday, Arran Dowling-Hussey B.L. formally stepped-down and handed over leadership of the SCL Team in The Republic of Ireland to a ‘new’ Team. Arran has been an excellent leader for SCL – truly excellent. Arran took on the role in July 2017 and as many Members will know has organised over 60 events of varying types including Conferences, the “Dublin Lunch”, Lectures, Advocacy courses and Webinars. We are very grateful to Arran for all his hard work, time, energy, and strong dedication. We are also delighted to welcome the ‘new’ Team who will work closely with Jess Neuberger, Chris Sunderland and Matthew Taylor to continue the super work for all our Members in The Republic of Ireland.

Click here for full details about the new team and how to contact them