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Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice - FIDIC's 1999 Rainbow: Best Practice?

Paper number

Edward Corbett

August 2002

A paper based on a talk given to the conference 'Delivering Infrastructure:
International Best Practice' organised by the Society of Construction
Law, Centre of Construction Law at King's College London, European
Society for Construction Law and Society of Construction Arbitrators and
held in London on 12th July 2002.

The suite of FIDIC contracts published in 1999 (the ed, Yellow, Silver
and Green Books) considered in the light of the development of standard
practice over the last decade.

Introduction to the new contracts - What is best practice? -
Best practice features in the 1999 contracts - Doubtful features
- The engineer in the ed and Yellow Books - best practice?
- Yellow Book features - Silver Book features - Short
Form highlights.

The author: Edward Corbett is principal of Corbett & Company, solicitors,
Teddington, England; he is also a member of the FIDIC task group charged
with drafting the Short Form and the Dredging Contract and author of FIDIC
4th - A Practical legal Guide.

Text 8 pages.

PDF file size: 183k