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Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice - The Contractor's Role

Paper number

Frank Kennedy

August 2002

A paper based on a talk given to the conference 'Delivering Infrastructure:
International Best Practice' organised by the Society of Construction
Law, Centre of Construction Law at King's College London, European Society
for Construction Law and Society of Construction Arbitrators and held
in London on 12th July 2002.

International best practice in the delivery of infrastructure, from the
point of view of Europe's largest international construction companies.

European International Contractors - What can we learn from the past?
- Today's international market - Current trends - What does best practice
look like? - The future?

The author: Frank Kennedy is Chairman of the European International Contractors'
Conditions of Contract Working Group, a past member of the EIC Board and
past President of the Export Group for the Constructional Industries in
the UK.

Text 6 pages.

PDF file size: 159k