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Special site access for academics

Bona fide academics may be given access to download papers free of charge.

An academic email address MUST be given otherwise your application will not be considered. If you already have a user account on this website, please ensure you are logged in and that the email is an academic one. 

Your application will be reviewed by an administrator, and you will be informed of the result as soon as possible. If successful, you will then have access to download papers via a link on each individual paper page.

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Academic Profile: New Academic Application Form
The email address given must be an academic one, otherwise your application will not be considered. If you already have a user account on this website, please ensure you are logged in and that the email is an academic one.
The next field is an autocomplete/lookup field. If you find your academic institution in our database, please select it. If you do not find it, please enter the name of your academic institution very carefully and it will be added to our database.
If you selected 'Other' please give details here otherwise leave blank.
Please read and accept our Privacy and Payments/Refund Policies. Both boxes must be ticked even if you are not making a payment.